Scots and the four capacities 

Scots develops the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence in a number of ways.

Confident individuals


Learning that Scots is a language in its own right gives many young people a renewed sense of self-respect. When children realise the literary and historical value of the language they speak, they have a greater belief in themselves as individuals.

Successful learners

Enthusiasm and motivation for learning

Scots speaking children who are not motivated in class can show renewed enthusiasm for learning when offered sustained and effective study in Scots. Many children can experience success and develop a determination to achieve when learning opportunities include rather than exclude Scots.

Effective contributors

Communicate in different ways and in different settings

Having the confidence to speak both English and Scots allows for effective communication in a variety of ways and settings.

Responsible citizens

Respect for others

Teaching all children to value Scots speakers in a community will generate respect for others.

Develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it

The Scots language is crucial to understanding Scotland and its place in the world. By developing knowledge of Scots, children will gain greater understanding of how their language and culture relates to those of other countries, especially in a European context.

Understand different beliefs and cultures

Often the one culture in Scotland which is not officially highlighted and celebrated is that of its Scots-speaking communities. For the promotion of greater tolerance and understanding of different cultures, it is important to recognise and respect the culture of every citizen.